Over slecht zicht, bewolking, windstoten en gladheid. Onderzoek verricht ten behoeve van het Dedicated Road Infrastructure for Vehicle Safety in Europe DRIVE project.

Terpstra, J.M.

In the framework of the Dedicated Road Infrastucture for Vehicle Safety in Europa (DRIVE) project results are presented from meteorological research to describe the methods about the forecasting for aquaplaning, bad visibility in fog, rain, snow and hailshowers, and also the decrease in visibility caused by splash and spray water from overtaking vehicles. Methods for forecasting gusts of wind for traffic are presented, just as the expectation for slipperiness in snow or hailshowers and for icy roads. The arising and clearing away from fog under different circumstances, such as changes in temparatures and moisture above water and land is worked out in more detail.

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C 3943 [electronic version only] /82 / IRRD 875911

De Bilt, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut KNMI, 1995, 95 p., 28 ref.; Technisch Rapport ; TR 175 - ISSN 0169-1708 / ISBN 90-369-2078-8

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