Acceptance of Lane Departure Warning Assistance (LDWA) Systems : final report. On behalf of Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Transport Research Centre AVV.

Katteler, H.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of acceptance with respect to lane departure warning assistance (LDWA) systems. The acceptance study could take into account that Dutch drivers had already gained actual experience with the application for a long period of time within the context of a Field Operational Test (FOT). Also the acceptance of transport company managers and representatives of other interest groups was investigated. The research design provided for three measurement stages, namely one measurement prior to the FOT and two measurements among the drivers of vehicles equipped with a LDWA system (truck drivers and coach drivers) during the FOT. In total, 40 professional drivers participated in the FOT. Data collection spanned the period of June 2002 to January 2003. Data was collected by way of self-completion questionnaires and a trip log. Truck drivers who were not involved in the FOT were included as a control group. The acceptance study chose a comprehensive approach and included a set of domains to measure the acceptance of LDWA. Domains are the actual use of the warning system, the appreciation of the system (including ergonomic aspects), perceived effects, advantages and disadvantages of the system, the willingness to drive with the system and the acceptance in terms of preferred implementation. This report contains the results of all acceptance measurements of the LDWA Field Operational Test. Findings in this report are available at three different levels: drivers, trips and warnings. These warnings represent situations of line crossings. Lane Departure Warning Assistance (LDWA) as an advanced driver assistance system finds a high degree of user acceptance. The conclusion that LDWA enjoys wide support, is based on the subjective views of truck drivers, coach drivers, transport company managers and representatives of other interest groups. The acceptance study identifies strong points and weak points of LDWA systems and establishes points of particular interest. One of these is that alarm warnings can be distinguished from informative warnings in case of line crossing. (Author/publisher)

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C 33684 [electronic version only]

Soesterberg, TNO Human Factors Research Institute TM, 2003, 113 p., 54 ref.; Report TNO TM-03-C022

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