The naturalistic driver model : a review of distraction, impairment and emergency factors.

Caird, J.K. Lees, M. & Edwards, C.

The purpose of this project is to review the literature on driver distraction, impairment and emergency response that supports the development of the Naturalistic Driver Model. Driver models that are based on high-quality empirical research are more likely to serve as a useful and valid tool to professionals and researchers. The objectives of this review were to: 1. Generate an extensive literature review that identifies the extent that driver distraction and impairment affects reaction time, lateral and longitudinal vehicle control and other variables. 2. Review emergency responses in a variety of situations and determine their implications for lane change, car following and merging. 3. Synthesize the results on reaction time so that a range of values that can be incorporated into a driver model. This technical report is structured into sections on driver distraction, driver impairment and emergency response. Within each section, prior literature reviews and recent empirical research is reviewed. Each of these areas has large bodies of literature. A certain proportion of it is methodologically and/or statistically flawed. Limitations of interpretation of the research are presented. Appendices A through C provide extensive details about each of the studies that were selected and reviewed in each area. Values for inclusion in a driver model and conclusions are set forth in the final section. (Author/publisher)

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C 34262 [electronic version only]

Berkeley, CA, University of California, Institute of Transportation Studies ITS, 2005, 56 + 66 p., 115 ref.; California PATH Research Report ; UCB-ITS-PRR-2005-4 - ISSN 1055-1425

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