Falschfahrten auf Autobahnen

Schlussbericht zum Forschungsprojekt FE 89.231/2009 der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt.
Gerlach, J.; Seipel, S.; Leven, J.

In Germany there are 1,800 traffic warnings of wrong-way drivers on motorways per year. These traffic warnings are not to be questioned basically. On account of a comparison with police information from two years it is further assumed that about 25-50% of cases are definitely or very likely wrong-way driving events. The portion of driving backward lay in this investigation extent for the traffic warnings at less than 1 percent. The traffic warnings of wrong-way drivers on motorways do not spread evenly in the road network. Accumulation areas can be found. Moreover, they are set down particularly in times of weaker traffic demand and especially on Saterdays, Sundays and public holidays.
In order to prevent wrong-way driving in the future, contributions from various disciplines are required, e.g. from the field of car-to-x-communication, driving aptitude et cetera. However, it must become conscious that wrong-way driving can never be prevented completely. In particular, deliberately wrong actions of motorists, e.g. the intentionally wrong ascend at interchanges or deliberate turns on carriageways, cannot be excluded with the help of street-sided or vehicle-sided measures totally.

20220353 ST [electronic version only]
Gepubliceerd door
Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, Bergisch Gladbach

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