Examples of assessed road safety measures : a short handbook. European research project ROSEBUD (Road Safety and Environmental Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Use in Decision-making).


It is a challenge to develop effective measures for improving road safety – especially when resources are scarce and economic means are limited. Nevertheless, a major target for European policy as well for as for national, regional and local decision makers is to improve road safety significantly. To improve road safety is not an end in itself – it is an urgent social task. In the year 2002 about 50.0001 persons were killed in accidents on European roads. In general economic terms the economic loss is very great; for example in Germany it amounts to over 30 billion Euro per year. In order to help meet this challenge, ROSEBUD was funded by the European Commission as a thematic network to support users at all levels of government (European Union, national, regional, local) with information about road safety related efficiency assessment solutions. To this end, ROSEBUD brought together researchers, policy makers, decision makers and other relevant stakeholders into a co-operative network. The European Union has the objective of halving the number of deaths on European roads by 2010. To achieve this it will be necessary to implement a range of effective road safety measures to the fullest extent. Reliable knowledge about the effectiveness of road safety measures is a prerequisite for this task. Efficiency assessment is a vital tool which should help policy-makers to set more effective priorities for road safety measures, and hence lead to a considerable reduction of accidents. One objective of ROSEBUD was to gather relevant experience with road safety efficiency assessment. This short handbook “Examples of assessed road safety measures” is the main outcome of this gathering. A first version of this handbook was compiled in WP1 and is still available on the ROSEBUD-homepage. The following pages will provide you with an overview should provide you with an overview about a broad variety of road safety measures, their descriptions, interesting examples and significant assessment results. (Author/publisher) For the official ROSEBUD website see http://partnet.vtt.fi/rosebud/

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20061904 ST [electronic version only]

[Espoo, Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT, Communities and Infrastructure], 2006, 75 p., 97 ref.

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