Commission Staff Working Document on the implementation of objective 6 of the European Commission’s policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020 : first milestone towards an injury strategy : SWD(2013) 94 final.


Reduction of serious road traffic injuries was one of the seven strategic objectives set by the Commission in 2010 in its road safety policy orientations for the period 2011-2020. A strategy of action on serious road injuries was subsequently identified as a priority initiative in the Commission’s 2011 White Paper on a Single European Transport Area. According to the policy orientations, ‘in collaboration with Member States and other actors involved in road safety, the Commission will propose the setting-up of a global strategy of action on road injuries and first aid’. This involves first of all finding a common understanding of definitions and concepts relating to casualties, and identifying courses of action to improve prevention and intervention. It is expected that, as soon as sufficient progress has been made in this area, the Commission services will consider a common ‘injuries reduction target’. This Commission staff working document reports on the first steps taken towards achieving the stated objective. The document looks at what has been done so far and describes the problem of serious road traffic accidents and the challenges of the current framework. It considers the situation regarding a common definition of serious injuries, data collection methods and a possible future EU-level target. The final part of the document discusses the likely next steps of this process. (Author/publisher)


20131001 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Commission, 2013, 20 p.; SWD(2013) 94 final

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