TRENDLINE: Continuation and refinement of data collection for safety indicators

With the EU project TRENDLINE - which is led by SWOV - 29 European countries will collect so-called risk indicators for road safety, also known as Key Performance Indicators or KPIs. The predecessor of TRENDLINE was the European project BASELINE in which 18 European countries participated.

The TRENDLINE project aims to use the lessons from BASELINE on the one hand to arrive at improved methodologies for data collection of the eight KPIs and on the other hand to identify a number of new indicators and test their relevance. The collected KPIs can be used for road safety policy and as an instrument to monitor road safety and compare countries. Insight into the KPIs of the participating countries should also contribute to a more effective EU road safety policy following the EU goal for 2021-2030.

The eight KPIs collected in BASELINE were: driving speed, seatbelt use, helmet use on motorized two-wheelers, driving under the influence of alcohol, distraction, vehicle safety, infrastructure and speed of trauma care.