This paper presents strategies for encouraging and improving the seat belt use. The strategy is mainly normative for car drivers and occupants who have developed a rather structural behaviour. However, the approach is primarily informative and instructive for people whose behaviour is in development. A first formation or change of behaviour should be consolidated and strengthened, so that seat belts will always be used. In most cases, however, a combination of the following measures will ensure a permanent safety belt use: (1) instruction; (2) enforcement, for instance by police and insurance companies; and (3) measures directed at facilitating and simplifying belt use. Education and driver training, supplemented with publicity, should be directed at children and young persons whose behaviour is still in development. For adults, it is recommended to aim the strategy at the use of safety means on the rear seats of cars. Regarding the seat belt use on front seats, priority should be given to the group of persons that sometimes uses the seat belt. Attention has to be paid to how to use safety belts in order to: a) support people in using them; and b) prevent erroneous use of belts.