Dr Reinier Jansen is an expert in the field of Naturalistic Driving data analyses.
Sander van der Kint, MSc, performs research into traffic behaviour, alcohol and drug use in traffic, and submerged vehicle crashes.
Robert Louwerse, MSc, is a specialist in the field of in-depth research into road crashes and the relationship between road design and road safety.
Dr Heike Martensen conducts research on behavioral factors in road safety, such as driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, and the effect of diseases on driving ability.
Celina Mons, MSc, conducts research into road user behaviour: speed, distraction due to mobile phone use, and the use of driver assistance systems such as ISA 
Masha Odijk, MSc, is a junior researcher in the field of infrastructure and traffic.
Dr Jaap Oude Mulders studies how societal developments affect road safety.
Jan Hendrik van Petegem, MSc, focuses on the development of practical knowledge on the relation between road design and road safety.
Ingrid van Schagen, MSc, is a researcher involved in many activities in the field of traffic behaviour and traffic behaviour modification.
Govert Schermers, ME, is a researcher and project manager and specializes in the fields of, the safe system approach and road design.