1454 documents found.

Published: (SWOV) | Kint, S.T. van der; Mons, C.
Published: (SWOV) | Doumen, M.J.A.; Bos, N.M.; Decae, R.J.
Published: (SWOV) | Davidse, R.J.; Duijvenvoorde, K. van; Louwerse, W.J.R.
Published: (SWOV) | Schagen, I.N.L.G. van
Published: (SWOV) | Gebhard, S.E.; Wijlhuizen, G.J.; Dijkstra, A.
Published: (SWOV) | Davidse, R.J.; Duijvenvoorde, K. van; Louwerse, W.J.R.
Published: (SWOV) | Kint, S.T. van der; Vlakveld, W.P.; Zwart, R.B.E. de; Mons, C.; Hoekstra, A.T.G.; Schagen, I.N.L.G. van
Published: (SWOV) | Hettema, Z.J.A.; Dijkstra, A.; Schermers, G.
During the most recent measurements, in 2022, 2.6% of the Dutch drivers were under the influence of alcohol during weekend nights, which amounts to almost double the lowest percentage of alcohol offenders measured (1.4% in 2017).
The construction of the road network and road design greatly affect road safety: firstly, because they make certain conflicts impossible or unlikely (e.g., by physical separation of driving directions, separate bicycle tracks, clear roadsides); secondly, because they direct the desired traffic behaviour (recognisability, predictability).