Hieronder vindt u de lijst met referenties die in deze factsheet zijn gebruikt. Op ons kennisportaal vindt u in de Themadossiers meer literatuur over dit onderwerp.
[1]. CBS (2015). Verkeersprestatie Kilometrage Motorfietsen. Persoonlijke communicatie. Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek CBS, Den Haag.
[2]. DaCoTa (2012). Powered Two Wheelers. Deliverable 4.8n of the EC FP7 project DaCoTa. European Commission, Brussels.
[3]. Ministerie van IenM (2012). Vragen en antwoorden over derde Europese rijbewijsrichtlijn. Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Den Haag.
[4]. Sexton, B., Baughan, C., Elliott, M. & Maycock, G. (2004). The accident risk of motorcyclists; Prepared for the Department for Transport, Road Safety Division. Report No. 607. TRL, Crowthorne, UK.
[5]. Chung, Y.-S. & Wong, J.-T. (2012). Beyond general behavioral theories: Structural discrepancy in young motorcyclist's risky driving behavior and its policy implications. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 49, p. 165-176.
[6]. Wong, J.-T., Chung, Y.-S. & Huang, S.-H. (2010). Determinants behind young motorcyclists’ risky riding behavior. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 42, nr. 1, p. 275-281.
[7]. BRON (2016). Bestand geRegistreerde Ongevallen in Nederland. Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Den Haag.
[8]. LMR/LBZ (2016). Landelijke Basisregistratie Ziekenhuiszorg. Dutch Hospital Data (DHD).
[9]. OECD/ITF (2015). Improving safety for motorcycle, scooter and moped riders . OECD Publishing, Paris.
[10]. Langley, J., Mullin, B., Jackson, R. & Norton, R. (2000). Motorcycle engine size and risk of moderate to fatal injury from a motorcycle crash. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 32, nr. 5, p. 659-663.
[11]. Teoh, E.R. & Campbell, M. (2010). Role of motorcycle type in fatal motorcycle crashes. In: Journal of Safety Research, vol. 41, nr. 6, p. 507-512.
[12]. Chorlton, K., Conner, M. & Jamson, S. (2012). Identifying the psychological determinants of risky riding: An application of an extended Theory of Planned Behaviour. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 49, p. 142-153.
[13]. Chen, C.-F. & Chen, C.-W. (2011). Speeding for fun? Exploring the speeding behavior of riders of heavy motorcycles using the theory of planned behavior and psychological flow theory. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 43, nr. 3, p. 983-990.
[14]. Savolainen, P. & Mannering, F. (2007). Effectiveness of motorcycle training and motorcyclists' risk-taking behavior . In: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, nr. 2031, p. 52-58.
[15]. Assing, K. (2002). Schwerpunkte der Unfälle von Motorradfahrern. In: Safety environment future IV : proceedings of the 4th International Motorcycle Conference. Volume 10, 16-17 September 2002, München, München, IfZ Forschungshefte Zweiradsicherheit, p. 41-53.
[16]. MAIDS (2004). Motorcycle Accident In-Depth Study MAIDS: In-depth investigations of accidents involving powered two wheelers. Final report. ACEM - Association des Constructeurs Européens de Motocycle, Brussels.
[17]. MAIDS (2009). Motorcycle Accident In-Depth Study MAIDS: In-depth investigations of accidents involving powered two wheelers: Final report 2.0 . ACEM - Association des Constructeurs Européens de Motocycle (The Motorcycle Industry in Europe), Brussels.
[18]. Crundall, D., Crundall, E., Clarke, D. & Shahar, A. (2012). Why do car drivers fail to give way to motorcycles at T-junctions? In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 44, nr. 1, p. 88-96.
[19]. Craen, S. de, Doumen, M., Bos, N. & Norden, Y. van (2011). The roles of motorcyclists and car drivers in conspicuity-related motorcycle crashes. R-2011-25. SWOV, Leidschendam.
[20]. Craen, S. de, Doumen, M.J.A. & Norden, Y. van (2014). A different perspective on conspicuity related motorcycle crashes. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention vol. 63, nr. 0, p. 133-137.
[21]. Walton, D. & Buchanan, J. (2012). Motorcycle and scooter speeds approaching urban intersections . In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 48, p. 335-340.
[22]. NHTSA (2013). Traffic Safety Facts: Motorcycles – 2011 Data . US Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C.
[23]. Kooijman, J.D.G. & Schwab, A.L. (2011). A review on handling aspects in bicycle and motorcycle control. Paper gepresenteerd op Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 28-31, 2011, Washington DC, USA.
[24]. Janse, J., Talens, H. & Kengen, B. (2012). Een motorrijder verdient ook veilige infrastructuur . Paper gepresenteerd op Nationaal Verkeerskunde Congres, 31 Oktober 2012, 's-Hertogenbosch.
[25]. Nombela, M., Davila, A., Alba, J.J. & de Miguel, J.L. (2010). Innovative concepts for Smart Road Restraint Systems to provide greater safety for vulnerable users - Smart RRS. Technical paper, SAE International.
[26]. Rizzi, M., Strandroth, J., Sternlund, S., Tingvall, C., et al. (2012). Motorcycle crashes into road barriers: the role of stability and different types of barriers for injury outcome. Paper IRC-12-41. In: IRCOBI Conference 2012.
[27]. Craen, S. de, Bos, Y.R., Duijvenvoorde, K. van, Norden, Y. van, et al. (2013). De veiligheid van gemotoriseerde tweewielers in Nederland; enkele actuele aandachtspunten uitgelicht. SWOV, Den Haag.
[28]. Crundall, D., Bibby, P., Clarke, D., Ward, P., et al. (2008). Car drivers’ attitudes towards motorcyclists: A survey . In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 40, nr. 3, p. 983-993.
[29]. Allen, T., Newstead, S., Lenné, M.G., McClure, R., et al. (2017). Contributing factors to motorcycle injury crashes in Victoria, Australia. In: Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, vol. 45, p. 157-168.
[30]. Gershon, P. & Shinar, D. (2013). Increasing motorcycles attention and search conspicuity by using Alternating-Blinking Lights System (ABLS). In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 50, p. 801-810.
[31]. Gershon, P., Ben-Asher, N. & Shinar, D. (2012). Attention and search conspicuity of motorcycles as a function of their visual context. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 44, nr. 1, p. 97-103.
[32]. Rößger, L., Hagen, K., Krzywinski, J. & Schlag, B. (2012). Recognisability of different configurations of front lights on motorcycles. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 44, nr. 1, p. 82-87.
[33]. Liu, B.C., Ivers, R., Norton, R., Boufous, S., et al. (2008). Helmets for preventing injury in motorcycle riders. In: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008.
[34]. KNMV (2013). Hoofdletsels en Motorhelmen. Presentatie geraadpleegd 13 april 2017 op https://prezi.com/o60j5iffe0aa/hoofdletsels-en-motorhelmen/
[35]. De Rome, L., Stanford, G. & Wood, B. (2003). Motorcycle protective clothing . In: Proceedings of the Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, 24-26 September 2003, Sydney. p. 24-26.
[36]. Boele, M.J. & Craen, S. de (2014). Langetermijneffecten van een eendaagse voortgezette rijopleiding voor motorrijders. R-2014-22A. SWOV, Den Haag.
[37]. Kardamanidis, K., Martiniuk, A., Ivers, R.Q., Stevenson, M.R., et al. (2010). Motorcycle rider training for the prevention of road traffic crashes. In: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2010, Issue 10, Art. No.: CD005240.
[38]. Boele, M.J. & Craen, S. de (2014). Evaluatie voortgezette rijopleiding voor motorrijders; Motorrijders rijden veiliger na training. R-2014-22. SWOV, Den Haag.
[39]. Rizzi, M., Strandroth, J., Kullgren, A., Tingvall, C., et al. (2015). Effectiveness of motorcycle Antilock Braking Systems (ABS) in reducing crashes, the first cross-national study. In: Traffic Injury Prevention, vol. 16, nr. 2, p. 177-183.
[40]. Teoh, E.R. (2010). Effectiveness of antilock braking systems in reducing motorcycle fatal crash rates. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety IIHS, Arlington, VA.
[41]. Seiniger, P., Schröter, K. & Gail, J. (2012). Perspectives for motorcycle stability control systems. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 44, nr. 1, p. 74-81.
[42]. Basch, N., Moore, M. & Hellinga, L. (2015). Evaluation of motorcycle Antilock Braking Systems. In: 24th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), 8-11 June 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden.
[43]. Bayly, M., Regan, M.A. & Hosking, S.G. (2006). Intelligent transport systems and motorcycle safety. MUARC Report; No. 260 . Monash University Accident Research Centre MUARC. Clayton, Victoria.
[44]. Huth, V., Biral, F., Martín, Ó. & Lot, R. (2012). Comparison of two warning concepts of an intelligent Curve Warning system for motorcyclists in a simulator study. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 44, nr. 1, p. 118-125.
[45]. Martinez, F.J., Toh, C.-K., Cano, J.-C., Calafate, C.T., et al. (2010). Emergency services in future intelligent transportation systems based on vehicular communication networks. In: IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, vol. 2, nr. 2, p. 6-20.
[46]. Nes, C.N. van & Duivenvoorden, C.W.A.E. (2017). Veilig naar het verkeer van de toekomst. Nieuwe mogelijkheden, risico's en onderzoeksagenda voor de verkeersveiligheid bij automatisering van het verkeerssysteem. R-2017-2. SWOV, Den Haag.
[47]. Right To Ride EU (2012). eCall on Motorcycles. Geraadpleegd 13 april 2017 op http://www.righttoride.eu
[48]. Aikyo, Y., Kobayashi, Y., Akashi, T. & Ishiwatari, M. (2015). Feasibility study of airbag concept applicable to motorcycles without sufficient reaction structure. In: Traffic Injury Prevention, vol. 16, nr. sup1, p. S148-S152.
[49]. Chawla, A. & Mukherjee, S. (2007). Motorcycle safety device investigation: A case study on airbags. In: Sadhana, vol. 32, nr. 4, p. 427-443.
[50]. Rogers, N.M. & Zellner, J.W. (2001). Factors and status of motorcycle airbag feasibility research. In: Proceedings of the seventeenth International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, 4-7 June 2001, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.