Workshop & Fietstocht rond het thema 'Fietsstraten' ( Teun Uijtdewilligen, Matin Nabavi Niaki & Gert Jan Wijlhuizen).
- Presentaties
- Essential safety elements concerning infrastructure of cycle paths; a risk based approach in cycling safety (Gert Jan Wijlhuizen)
- Examining the crash risk factors associated with cycling: findings from four Dutch cities (Teun Uijtdewilligen)
- Road safety of delivery riders on pedelecs in the Netherlands – An online survey (Celina Mons)
- Analysis of cyclists’ safety on “bicycle streets” in four large Dutch municipalities: A crash risk and conflict study (Masha Odijk)
- Poster presentaties
- Safe cycling routes: Seven road safety indicators for cycling routes (Sarah Gebhard)
Registratie is mogelijk via de website van het congres: icsc-2023.net
- 15 november 2023: Pre-congres workshops & fietstochten
- 16-17 november 2023: ICSC 2023